Project Name: Vending Machine Controlled by: Programming Programming Difficulty: Medium Construction Difficulty: Medium General Comment. This is a fun activity which involve creativity, perseverance and patience
You must use at least: -1 NXT or EV brick -1 sensor -motor
You must: Build a robot that can go distribute some sort of packaged food or drink, after a coin is deposited.
Tips For students
Tip: If you can build your robot so a coin rolls past an ultrasonic sensor, then you should be successful. Tip: Some sort of conveyer belt might be useful for transporting food or drink.
Students could use cardboard or other building materials (even Duplo) to create their machines if you have a shortage of blocks.
Grading option: It's a bit hard to grade this one, but you could give scores for: How well it accepts a coin How creative it is How well it works without errors. Overall effort. Another way to assess could be to have a vote. Once I even allowed the rest of the school to come see our vending machines and they were allowed to bring coins to 'buy' some of the products. The challenge is to make sure all the food hasn't been eaten before grading!